Monday, 3 October 2011

RIM Mobilizes Microsoft SharePoint on BlackBerry

So, RIM have finally joined the party and now boast an app that connects to SharePoint - a little slow on the catch up but at least they made it!

These days I'm finding every one of my clients demanding the ability to access their document management solutions, through applications like SharePlus Android, iPad and iPhone users have been able to use SharePoint on the move, and with Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Mobile Windows Phone 7 users have also had the ability SharePoint-on-the-go (which, to be fair, you would expect from a Microsoft mobile). 

So now BB users don't have to feel left out any more and to them we say welcome to mobile SharePointing!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

User not found when accessing list and workflow settings

I have almost literally been ​bashing my head against the wall and looking for a window to jump out of to resolve this one!

Should you ever start receiving user not found errors when trying to access both list and workflow settings in a site and have recently migrated a SharePoint site, here is the fix:

Open the site in SharePoint designer and go through each workflow one by one and republish them.

...yes it's THAT simple! 

We DO love SharePoint!